Article: A weekend trip to Bali : the essentials you need to pack

A weekend trip to Bali : the essentials you need to pack
I once had a very impatient ex-boyfriend with a holiday home in Cascais who refused to travel with check-in luggage, so eager was he to exit the airport first. Thus began my training of minimalist packing.
Despite now being married to the most patient human on earth, one of my pet hates is paying for a suitcase on an airline. Money on baggage fees could be far better spent (bottle of champagne on arrival; a new hat, the choices are endless!). It is much more satisfying to squeeze what you can into a carry on and reward yourself with a treat on arrival.
Most of White Ginger’s styles fit just about any occasion (unless you are in the Swiss Alps or attending the Oscars). Our daytime looks can easily be transformed into something a little dressier with a pair of snazzy heels and jewelry. So you don’t need to overpack and can easily recycle pieces to keep everything to a minimum - keeping space in your suitcase for treasures to bring home.
As ridiculous as it sounds it helps if you plan outfits – I have been known to do this for a two week trip ! This avoids overpacking and ending up with clothes that you won’t wear and is super easy for a short break. It also ensures you pack the right accessories and underwear.
Bali weekend packing list
- Jeans (I am always freezing on a plane)
- Navy Pippa top
- Tote bag
- Buddha necklace
Day One
- For the day : white Daisy shorts and Pippa orange Como
- For dinner : black and white Oberoi dress with a strapless bra

Day Two
- For the day : Krissy Kaftan
- For dinner : Black St Barts dress
Day Three
- Lizzie top and white shorts
- Two bikinis
- Kelly Kaftan in white (my fave – goes with everything)
- Silk night dress
- Undies
- Travel Tote Bag for the flight and day time
- Silver Clutch for evening
- Silver Flip Flops
- Tassel Necklace
Never leave home without
Last but not least, here are some bonus items I always pack with me for a trip to Bali.
Jo Malone miniatures
Look out for inflight specials where you can pick up miniature bottles in duty free – or gift your self a Jo Malone cracker at Christmas which includes three travel size beauties.
Lost Guide Bali Book
The Lost Guide book is fabulous and everywhere recommended is a total gem. Look out, there is a Lost Guide Singapore coming soon ! Perfect for you stylish nomads.
“Anna’s book is a brilliant compendium of everything you go to Bali hoping to find: the lo-fi beach shacks, the smart little restaurants, the shops and the most deserted stretches of sand.” Issy von Simson, Deputy editor, Condé Nast Traveller UK.
Bali Balance Facial Mist
Bali Balance is a wonderful brand of natural skin care. Their online store is on the way but if you are ever in Bali be sure to pop in to their shop in Batu Belig. All their products are made in Bali, no animal testing or chemicals are used to create this high quality range. Their Facial Mist is the perfect inflight rehydration spray for the face.
PawPaw Cream
A travel essentiel, Lucas Papaw Ointment has anti-bacterial and antimicrobial properties. It is useful for dry lips, minor cuts and sunburn and is generally soothing for any skin irritations.
Porter Magazine
You want to bring something to read, or get distracted in the place ? To me, Porter Magazine is the only fashion magazine with really interesting articles.
Ready ? Now pack everything and hurry, Bali and all its wonders are waiting for you !